
Archive for May, 2012

Good News for some

The Government has announced that public health staff transferring from the NHS to local authorities next April will be retaining their NHS pensions.  This is good news because these staff would have faced an awful dilemma had a transfer to the local government scheme been required.  With virtually all local government pension funds holding significant tobacco investments, fee staff would want to be part of such a fund.

The position for new public health staff joining local government from 1st April next year has not yet been decided, but the same considerations apply. 

Of course if our Government was meeting the letter and spirit of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, then this would not be an issue at all, as local authorities should not be permitted to hold tobacco investments at all!


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Tobacco companies versus the plain truth –

Tobacco companies versus the plain truth –

Interesting article from the FT.  When the financial pages are on Big Tobacco’s case, they could be in trouble.  Here’s the killer quote:-

“So when Alison Cooper, chief executive of Imperial Tobacco, says that forcing tobacco companies to sell cigarettes in plain packets is not about health but is just anti-business, every other business person should tell her not to taint them with her death and disease-ridden trade.”

Read the full article at (paywalled but access to this article if you register for free)

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Hackney Council’s tobacco investments back in the spotlight | Hackney Citizen

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